Nanny, Jupiter, FL (filled)


This very busy, young family is currently looking for a very active, fun, childcare provider for their three children. Mom doesn’t need any help until about 2 pm when she needs to pick up the elementary-age children and take them to soccer practice, swimming lessons, and gymnastics. Then she needs help at home once they get home in the late afternoons with school work or just playtime. They love the pool, they are excellent swimmers, and spend a great deal of time outside, running around and being kids! They are very artistic and they are trying to support each child’s emotional, social, and intellectual development. Then they would be hungry for a simple child’s meal, which we are trying to make nutritious and different. They are constantly teaching proper personal hygiene, bathing, brushing teeth and hair, and then ready for bedtime and scheduled time for reading. The day might end at 7 or 8 pm and there may be a night or two that Mom and Dad would like to go have an adult meal and have this person babysit. They would also like someone to work maybe every other Saturday, but nothing is in stone and everything is negotiable. Top salary, vacation time, and other perks available.